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Wild Florals

Wild Florals

Flavors: Fragrance and aroma of mixed berries, notes of strawberry and baker’s chocolate with a sweet aftertaste of yogurt, mandarin orange and pomegranate. Bright and complex acidity showing malic, citric and pleasant acetic character. Creamy mouthfeel and medium-heavy body. Well balanced and delicious!


Textured & Thick

General Info

Region: Werka Village, Refisa Kebele, Nensebo District, West Arsi, Oromia

Variety: Heirloom

Altitude: 2100 MT

Process: Natural

About the Coffee

Nearly 850 smallholder family farmers

surrounding the Werka village deliver freshly picked coffee to Testi’s Nensebo washing station in the Nensebo district, located in the West Arsi zone. Each farmer has an average of 2-5 hectares of certified organic coffee and typically will manage and pick their own coffee and immediately transport it to the Nensebo station.

In the natural process, cherries are floated in water as a quality check to remove “floaters” and then spread over raised beds to dry. The coffee is constantly rotated on the beds to ensure even drying, and any under ripe cherries are picked out during the drying process. Drying time for this coffee is approximately 15-18 days depending on the weather.

We are blown away by the cup profile of this coffee! The perfect growing conditions, and attention to detail from the organic cultivation and picking to the processing, all come together to produce a beautifully unique cup.


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